Monday, May 19, 2008

Somedays, nothing makes it better....

For the most part, on any given day...if I am feeling shitty or just plain cranky, knitting can make it better. It is just one of those things that takes me to another place in my mind. It is sort of like my own personal Zen meditation, clears all the clutter from my mind. This weekend though, it just wasn't working. Nothing I could do or say, no amount of knitting or hanging out with friends was getting my head clear or coming close to putting a smile back on my face.

Suffice to say things have gotten a little chaotic lately in my life. I am trying to take one step at a time and clear the decks as needed, but sometimes it just seems like no matter how hard I try, I'm gonna trip and fall over something...usually ending up with me falling flat on my face.

I am very thankful though that I have understanding friends, that put up with my moods and ever changing array of issues. Whether it be the current issues on my mind or something as trivial as a boy that hurt my feelings.

So, that being said...there was an attempt this weekend at some "kitch" know, that stuff that serves no real purpose other than to make you laugh when it is done. Well, my version of that is the hat that is supposed to turn out like a Hostess cupcake.

I got it on the needles and I am to the point of ribbing for the end and it really holds no resemblance to a cupcake...but I am not giving up hope...I am just gonna have to work at it for a bit. I will not let the Hobby Lobby chenille beat me!!!

Also on the needles is the co-workers baby blanket, after having ripped it and restarted it, I am actually seeing progress and I think it looks really good and will totally turn out to the desired plan. I haven't worked much on my Pi Shawl or my second sock, but both of those still have some time, neither of which am I in a hurry for.

Also spending time in the isolation booth is the Fan & Feather shawl that I still haven't corrected from my silly mistake. Other than those projects, I don't think I have any other projects to update. I keep meaning to get the sweater cast-on, but I just haven't gotten to it yet....oh well, not like the yarn is gonna run away or anything.


Kenny said...

When did you change your blog layout? I love the banner.

Chopper_Gyrl said...

I changed the layout earlier this afternoon. Lara created the banner for me this weekend along with the banner/link at the bottom of the page for her website. Nothing like pimping out friends to all that will notice....