Monday, April 07, 2008

This shit is just evil.....

I am not sure if it is the yarn or the needles I am trying to knit it on...but the aforementioned Ty-Dy yarn that I had planned on knitting up today, well it is just plain EVIL...F'n evil I say!!!


I have cast this damn yarn on probably a good 5 or 6 times so far this morning. It is not nearly as forgiving as any other cotton yarn I have ever knitted with. There is no slip or slide on the needles whatsoever. It's almost like the yarn just wants to fight with me. Maybe it isn't liking the idea I have for it as a FO.....LOL

I had thought that the variegated colors would look pretty in a shawl or wrap, maybe some eyelet. Well, that didn't work out as planned, so I started again. Try number two was just to do some knits and purls and maybe a 3 stitch border. Nope, yarn didn't like that idea either. Last try was to do a basket weave pattern in about 48 sts wide "thing". Apparently that idea was also vetoed with out my consent.

Needless to say the yarn is off of the needles and probably going to stay off for a good long while, unless I am just looking for some blatant agitation and frustration. Which, quite frankly, I have more than enough of that to go around without having to involve yarn in the mix.

I know...I should not take my frustrations out on my didn't do anything wrong and doesn't deserve to be mistreated like this. But, come's not like I am asking too much of my yarn. All I want is for my yarn to go along with the plan and understand that I should have at least some say so in the creative process.

On a brighter note, I am thankful that I opted to bring more than one project into work today. I figured if all else failed (which it so obviously has) I could keep working on the knee-high sock and get further along to the cuff (....gulp).


Kenny said...

Did you try talking nice to the yarn? That seemed to work for Jo yesterday. And, I noticed that Regina talks to her yarn too...

Chopper_Gyrl said...

I tried talking nice to it. I tried being sweet and cajoling it, even tried bribing it a time or two. Then when all that failed me...I just plain cursed it!!!